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Sunday Morning Worship – 11:00 AM

Sunday School & child care provided
Rev. K Karpen preaching

Wednesday Evening Worship – 7:15 PM

The Church of St. Paul & St. Andrew (United Methodist) is a community of Christians who gather to celebrate worship, support each other, study together and work for justice. We are a congregation committed to justice and reconciliation for all persons, regardless of age, race, economic or marital status, gender or sexual orientation. We believe that we are all God’s beloved children, called to spread Christ’s gospel of love.

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SP&SA; is a fast-growing, dynamic congregation with a large children’s program and a vital outreach to students, young adults, singles and gays & lesbians. Many of our members have a background or interest in the performing arts. We have a large all-volunteer choir, a professional theater and a great fellowship program.

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Worship at SP&SA; is different. Although the sanctuary is large, easily holding our two-hundred worshipers, worship is an intimate spiritual experience. The music helps. We call on a variety of musical traditions, both for congregational singing and for the choir. Sermons by Rev. James “K” Karpen are inspiring–rooted in Biblical tradition and immediately relevant to life in New York. Prayer time provides a chance for people to share what’s going on in their lives and ask for support. The gifts and talents of the congregation—drama, singing, liturgical dance, puppetry–are blended into the celebration of worship. The Wednesday evening service, the “Gathering,” is an alternative non-traditional worship experience to rejuvenate your spirit, worship in community, and give your soul some rest in the middle of the week.

Volunteer opportunities abound for those wishing to make a contribution to the life of the City. A weekly tutoring program, Homework Help, connects caring adults with neighborhood children. A shelter for homeless women and men operates four nights a week, in cooperation with B’nai Jeshurun, the synagogue that shares our building. The West Side Campaign Against Hunger (WSCAH), a church-sponsored program, runs the largest food pantry in New York City out of the lower level of the church. Westside Ecumenical Ministry to the Elderly (WEME) provides meals on wheels to 500 of our homebound neighbors six days a week. Work teams from the church have traveled to Appalachia, Cuba, and Honduras on mission outreach trips. Three congregations call our building home: Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, Iglesia Cristo Vivo and SP&SA.; Interfaith dialogue forms an essential part of who we are.

Come visit us! We’ll be glad you did.

The Church of St. Paul & St. Andrew
United Methodist

263 West 86th Street
New York, NY 10024
Tel. 212.362.3179